Episode 15
Ted Lasso, Dark, Godzilla Destruction, Yasuke, Gundam Wing, and More
The crew returns to the Geek Outs!
Jose talks Ted Lasso, (6:48) Call of Duty and Battlefield, (11:26) No Man's Sky, (15:20) and the Attack on Titan Manga (22:25). Eli talks Netflix's Dark, (24:32) AJ chats up American Horror Story, (43:18) JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, (45:10) and Godzilla Destruction (51:02).
Walt tells us about the new anime, Yasuke (56:52) and last but not least, the man Wolfie takes us back, talking Gundam Wing, (1:16:00) the incredible Bandai Gundam MG 1/100 Barbatos model he's working on, (1:14:29) and Space Battleship Yamato (1:22:12).
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